SIYW.TXT List of Unusual Words with Their Meanings 79 Chapter W List of Unusual Words with Their Meanings The following words are unusual and\or were not in the ShareSpell dictionary. 4-H Hype, Hoopla, Hot air, & Horse exhaust. abbr. The abbreviation for abbreviation. Abney level A type of clinometer consisting of a sighting tube, a rotating bubble level, and a protractor. addressable Able to be addressed, to store & recall a number. adulations Many excessively laudatory flatulent flatteries. Applesoft Floating point BASIC on the Apple II computer. archaeic The archaeic spelling of archaic. ASCS Acronym: Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service. assed Having been treated with a donkey. babysitter One who sits on babies. backcompass A compass reading taken back towards the direction from which you are surveying. Backdoor to Hell Cave A fabled cavern of mythical size and difficulty. backsight A sight taken back towards the direction from which you are travelling. Ballentine The name of the fellow who showed me FORTRAN. BASICA A computer language on the Genuine IBM PC. bassackwards The condition of being completely turned around and headed in exactly the wrong direction. BBSs Bulletin Board Systems befuddlement Complete and utter confusion, or worse. Beiter The author's analog name. BLACKBEARD A programmer's text editor used to write this text. BLM Acronym: Bureau of Land Management. Boonies A place where Dan'l Boone would feel at home. Brunton A fancy compass, sometimes called an Army Artillery compass, bux Federal Reserve Notes. You probably call 'em "dollars". Byter The author's digital name. Capricia The author's pet goat kid. CAVEMAP A surveying computer program. cheapie Pejorative term for inexpensive. SIYW.TXT List of Unusual Words with Their Meanings 80 Chuckem, Gona A junior partner in Pluckum, Phuccum, Chuckem & Moore. CIS Acronym: Commonwealth of Independent States. CompuServe Information Systems compuscript A manuscript written with a computer. computerese A language of the computer literate and numerate. COS The abbr. for cosine, pronounced "cosign". cosign To guarantee a bank loan such that they take all of the profit and you take all of the risk. Dan'l The way Dan'l Boone signed his name. Denneys Gap A gap through a ridge, inhabited by Denneys. diabolically In league with the devil. dong The jacking organ of a jackass. enuf Newspeak for enough. eschatology The scientific study of ultimate destinies & purposes. Esq. The abbr. for Esquire. Liars put this after their names. etc. The abbr. for et cetera. exponentiate To raise to an exponent or power. To multiply by itself a number of times. Exponentiation is to multiplication what multiplication is to addition eyelevel The elevation of your eye above ground. Fergle A facetious University in Cincinnati, Ohio. Forney Cat The name of the author's pet tomcat. Geomagnetism Pertaining to the magnetic fields of the earth. Gordian Knot A mythological knot which could be untied only with a sword. gotta Imperative. Newspeak for got to. Must. gradians A method of measuring direction where a circle is divided into 400 parts to confuse The Enemy. guesstimating The act of making an informed but inaccurate measurement. Gunsmoke The name of the author's pet jackass. GW-BASIC The acronym for Generic Whizbang Beginners All- -purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, a computer language on the PC-clone. hydrology The scientific study of water resources. Inc. The abbr. for Incorporated. inkberries Pokeweed, whose berries were used for ink. Keson A brand of tape measures. kinda Newspeak for kind of. Approximately. laptop A small computer used in the lap. SIYW.TXT List of Unusual Words with Their Meanings 81 lensatic An Army marching compass. A cheap sighting compass accurate to about ten degrees. If you have one, destroy it before someone uses it to get lost in the woods. Lyman M. Lyon An Associate with Pluckum, Phuccum, Chuckem & Moore, Attorneys at Law. MCI MCIMail. e-mail for those who prefer not to work in a city. Mechanicville A city in upstate New York. MicroSoft A software company, famous for its user-friendly MS-DOS. mispelling A spelling error. monopod A tripod with only one leg and foot. MS The acronym for MicroSoft. MSL The acronym for Mean Sea Level mumbo Muttered incantations. Usually mumbo jumbo, muttered GREAT incantations. Newspeak The new rationalized American English language. ochlophobe One who fears crowds and crowded places. I don't actually fear them, I simply despise them. ole The ole way of saying old. oughta Newspeak for ought to. Should. Pac-Perchild A non-sexist video game. Ph.D. The abbr. for Posthole Digger. Phuccum, Hardy A Junior partner Pluckum, Howie The Senior Partner at the prestigious Law Firm of Pluckum, Phuccum, Chuckem, & Moore, Attorneys at Law. POB The acronym for Post Office Box. prestidigitate To perform sleight of hand magic. PVC ACRONYM for Poly Vinyl Chloride, a plastic. Rensselaer A county in Upstate New York on the East Bank of the Hudson. replot To plot again. Ritner A ghost town in Kentucky, between Denneys Gap and Jones Holler via amphibious jeep. Saratoga A county in Upstate New York; the city of Saratoga Springs. SASE The acronym for Self Addressed Stamped Envelope. Schenectady A city in upstate New York on the Mohawk River home of Union College and General Electric corporate headquarters. serendipity The art of making unexpected fortunate discoveries. sez Newspeak for says. shalt The archaeic imperative future auxiliary verb. ShareSpell The spell checker used to generate this word list SIYW.TXT List of Unusual Words with Their Meanings 82 shareware A method of software distribution. SIG Acronym for Special Interest Group. SIN Abbr. for sine, a trigonometric function. Pronounced "sign". Sipe, F Henry The author of the book "Compass Land Surveying". SIY Acronym for Survey It Yourself. speleology The scientific study of caves. Stillwater A town and village in Saratoga County, Upstate New York. stringbox A one man distance measuring instrument. Suunto The brand name of a Finnish compass. "Sue-UN-toe" topo Topographic map. tribulations Afflictions, difficulties. trickier More tricky than tricky. typograhpic A typograhpic error, not a editorial error. underlap Gore. Where two parts fail to join. USGS The acronym for United States Geological Survey. la vara A Spanish colonial distance unit, variable, about 2.74 feet. vee sight The little notch on a Silva Ranger mirror cover. VIC-20 Acronym: Video Interface Chip-20. A primitive Commodore computer. wanna Newspeak for want to. whatcha Newspeak for what do you. whatchamacallits Things with name unknown. whizbang Technologically sophisticated. Wuckit The landowner of a large cave in Albany County, New York. Yuppie The name of the author's bitch. Send me a list of words which I should add. Copyright (c)1994 by David Perry Beiter If you have any questions, problems, or comments, write or call me. Dave Beiter, CAVE Inc, 1/2 Fast Road, Ritner KY 42639. 606/376-3137. MCI Mail: 635-1762 X.400: c=US;a=MCI;s=BEITER;d=id=6351762 CIS: >MCIMAIL 635-1762 (be sure to include your name in the text) SIYW.TXT List of Unusual Words with Their Meanings 83 This page reserved for expansion of unusual words.